Types Of GIFTS

To Buy For

Your Loved Ones

#1 CLOTHES are a great option for kicking off the festive season.

#2 You can never go wrong with CASH as the plain old gift!

#3 SHOES always make the man...and woman.

#4 Is there a better gift than FOOD for Christmas?

#5 If most other options fail, JEWELLERY remains a Christmas staple.

#6 COSMETICS will win femine hearts faster than other gifts!

#7 Just one Christmas BOOK. Readers won't ask for more.

#8 If every other gift fails to live up to the hype, everybody needs APPLIANCES!

Eight Types Of Festivals Celebrated In Assam

Eight Gifts To Give Your Loved Ones This Magh Bihu

Eight Delicacies Not To Miss This Magh Bihu Home